Bible Text: Micah 6:8 | Speaker: Pastor George Effiom In his Independence Day message, Pastor Effiom discusses the current state of America and challenges Americans to WAKE UP! Tune in…

Be Patient with God

June 28, 2020
Bible Text: Psalm 27: 11-14 | Speaker: Pastor George Effiom Pastor reminds us to be patient with God as we prepare to reopen in the midst of a global pandemic!

God’s Plan For Men

June 21, 2020
Bible Text: Genesis 2: 15-25 | Speaker: Pastor George Effiom In his Father's Day message, Pastor Effiom reminds men of their responsibility to the world, the Word, and the woman!…

Enough is Enough

June 7, 2020
Bible Text: Esther 4: 1-17 | Speaker: Pastor George Effiom Pastor Effiom delivers a powerful message on racial injustice in America after the public death of George Floyd.

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Announcement 1

April 1, 2016 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc sollicitudin, justo vel laoreet rhoncus, leo tellus bibendum erat, eget molestie odio erat non tellus. Proin leo arcu, auctor eget mi nec, interdum efficitur tortor. Curabitur dignissim aliquam eros sit amet gravida. Suspendisse facilisis eget sem non accumsan. Mauris posuere, nisi eu hendrerit varius, sapien tellus elementum sapien, vitae vehicula ipsum libero id erat. Aliquam arcu mauris, tempus eu congue nec, vestibulum a nisl. Fusce placerat quam nibh, non venenatis felis pulvinar non. Donec rhoncus et massa ut convallis.


Announcement 2

April 1, 2016 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc sollicitudin, justo vel laoreet rhoncus, leo tellus bibendum erat, eget molestie odio erat non tellus. Proin leo arcu, auctor eget mi nec, interdum efficitur tortor. Curabitur dignissim aliquam eros sit amet gravida. Suspendisse facilisis eget sem non accumsan. Mauris posuere, nisi eu hendrerit varius, sapien tellus elementum sapien, vitae vehicula ipsum libero id erat. Aliquam arcu mauris, tempus eu congue nec, vestibulum a nisl. Fusce placerat quam nibh, non venenatis felis pulvinar non. Donec rhoncus et massa ut convallis.