Who We Are

The youth ministry is responsible for the spiritual development of our children, ages 12 to 18, through Sunday School, Wednesday Night Bible Class and various youth-focused events such as outings, community outreaches and the annual youth camp.

Meeting Schedule: New Meeting Schedule TBA.

All youth, ages 12 to 18, are encouraged to join.

Contact Person: Rev. Richard Brown

Feel free to contact the church with any questions or concerns.

Youth Choir

Provides youth, ages 12 to 18, with the opportunity to worship God through song. The youth learn Christian songs and present them before the entire church during worship. In the process, they learn the importance of serving God publicly and the discipline of serving Him excellently and sacrificially through weekly rehearsals.

Meeting Schedule:The youth choir sings every Sunday during worship service and handles the entire music ministry during monthly Youth Sunday Worship Services and Wednesday night Worship Services. They rehearse every Saturday at 12pm.

All youth are encouraged to join the Youth Choir.

Contact Person: Sis. Kim Effiom

Feel free to contact the church with any questions or concerns.

Youth Praise Dance Ministry

Known as The Divas, the ministry provides youth, ages 12 – 18, with the opportunity to worship God through dance. The youth learn to dance to Christian songs and present their dances before the entire church. They also learn to serve God sacrificially and publicly and influence their peers to live their lives for Christ.

Meeting Schedule:The youth dance during designated Youth Sunday worship services and on some Wednesday nights.

More youth needed to join The Divas now.

Contact Person: Laura Effiom

Feel free to contact the church with any questions or concerns

Ladies of the Lord (LOL)

Supports the spiritual development of girls in the Youth Ministry by helping them apply the Word of God to the challenges that are pertinent to girls in the current socio-cultural environment. The ministry also teaches practical skills such as cooking, home economics and etiquette.

Meeting Schedule: The 1st and 4th Saturday of every month at 2pm.

All girls, ages 12 – 18, are encouraged to join.

Contact Person: Sis. Ira Okogbodu

Feel free to contact the church with any questions or concerns

Servants With A God-Given Assignment (SWAGGA)

Supports the spiritual development of boys in the Youth Ministry by helping them apply the Word of God to the challenges that are pertinent to boys in the current socio-cultural environment. The ministry also teaches practical skills such as dressing, basic car maintenance and the like.

Meeting Schedule: Every 3rd Monday of the month at 6pm.

All young men, ages 12 to 18, are encouraged to join.

Contact Person: Femi Abayomi

Feel free to contact the church with any questions or concerns

Volunteer With Us

Youth Ministry volunteers needed now.
Contact Rev. Richard Brown to get involved!

Feel free to contact the church with any questions or concerns.

Upcoming Youth Ministry Events

New Here?

Find out how, where and when we worship. We hope to see you soon!!
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Announcement 1

April 1, 2016 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc sollicitudin, justo vel laoreet rhoncus, leo tellus bibendum erat, eget molestie odio erat non tellus. Proin leo arcu, auctor eget mi nec, interdum efficitur tortor. Curabitur dignissim aliquam eros sit amet gravida. Suspendisse facilisis eget sem non accumsan. Mauris posuere, nisi eu hendrerit varius, sapien tellus elementum sapien, vitae vehicula ipsum libero id erat. Aliquam arcu mauris, tempus eu congue nec, vestibulum a nisl. Fusce placerat quam nibh, non venenatis felis pulvinar non. Donec rhoncus et massa ut convallis.


Announcement 2

April 1, 2016 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc sollicitudin, justo vel laoreet rhoncus, leo tellus bibendum erat, eget molestie odio erat non tellus. Proin leo arcu, auctor eget mi nec, interdum efficitur tortor. Curabitur dignissim aliquam eros sit amet gravida. Suspendisse facilisis eget sem non accumsan. Mauris posuere, nisi eu hendrerit varius, sapien tellus elementum sapien, vitae vehicula ipsum libero id erat. Aliquam arcu mauris, tempus eu congue nec, vestibulum a nisl. Fusce placerat quam nibh, non venenatis felis pulvinar non. Donec rhoncus et massa ut convallis.