Rizpah: The Mother Who Never Gave Up
June 12, 2020

Rizpah: The Mother Who Never Gave Up

Passage: 2 Samuel 21: 8-14
Service Type:

Bible Text: 2 Samuel 21: 8-14

On this episode of 5 Minutes w/ Pastor Effiom, Pastor tells the story of an amazing mother in the Bible that went above and beyond for her sons after they were wrongfully killed!

This special message is for all the supermoms out there that sacrifice for their children daily and love them unconditionally! Thank you for the constant love and support you give without the need for credit or personal accolades. You all are truly real life superheroes!

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April 1, 2016 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc sollicitudin, justo vel laoreet rhoncus, leo tellus bibendum erat, eget molestie odio erat non tellus. Proin leo arcu, auctor eget mi nec, interdum efficitur tortor. Curabitur dignissim aliquam eros sit amet gravida. Suspendisse facilisis eget sem non accumsan. Mauris posuere, nisi eu hendrerit varius, sapien tellus elementum sapien, vitae vehicula ipsum libero id erat. Aliquam arcu mauris, tempus eu congue nec, vestibulum a nisl. Fusce placerat quam nibh, non venenatis felis pulvinar non. Donec rhoncus et massa ut convallis.